Marketing is constantly evolving with new and exciting ways to communicate. Digital marketing is leading the way in this revolution. Which of the many new opportunities should you use? These are just some of them to consider and which we can advise and work with you to deliver successfully.
Some of our digital marketing activities include:
– E-brochures and documents
For example, flip page brochures or interactive PDF’s.
Working alongside our partner organisation, we would develop Apps that drive customers to your products or services.
– Social media
For example, we would work with you to establish which social media channel was appropriate for your market, set the pages up to drive followers and regularly post news to build up followers.
– Email marketing
For example, we would work with you to put together an accurate database, write your email to grab attention and interest and most importantly suggest Subject lines to make sure your email is opened.
– Search marketing
Essential in today’s marketplace, being found when searched for online, we work with you to make sure you have the correct keywords and meta tags on your website and recommend other marketing initiatives to help keep your presence near the top of search engines.
– Affiliate marketing
There are three main areas of Affiliate marketing, we would work with you to suggest the best route for your business or organisation, simply getting others to promote your products or services.
– Online display advertising
With the rise in online magazines and journals, more and more opportunities are becoming available to place online advertisements around websites, emails and newsletters. Agora will work with you to identify the most cost-effective options for you.
To see examples and discuss opportunities, please call 0116 230 4967 or email steve@agoramc.co.uk